Recent Updates: (since 10/30/05)
July 30, 2024: Updated Belknap County [added postcards: Alton, Laconia]; Carroll County [added photos: Bartlett (F) {2}; added postcards: West Ossipee (P), Ossipee (P), Ossipee (F); added link: Ossipee]; Cheshire County [added photo: Chesham (board); added postcards: Hinsdale, Troy {2}]; Coos County [added photo: Crawfords (P); added postcards: Crawfords (P) {2}, Crawfords (F), Fabyans {2}, Fabyans (orig.) {2}]; Grafton County [added photos: White Mt. Central/Lincoln {5}; added postcards: Ashland, Bethlehem; Hillsborough County [added text link: Nashua Union; added postcards: Brookline, Milford (South St.)]; Merrimack County [added photos: Newbury {5}; added postcards: Bradford, Contoocook]; Rockingham County [added photos: Windham Jct. (F) {2}; link: Rockingham Jct.; added photos: Derry {2}; added postcards: Raymond, Rockingham Jct. {2}, Newton, West Epping]; Sullivan County (added photos: Claremont Jct. {2}, Charlestown (P) {2}, Charlestown (F); added note and text link: Newport; added postcards: Charlestown {3}, Claremont Jct.]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: Keene (repl. (Ches. Co.); )Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) (Coos Co.); Concord (Merr. Co.) ]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added postcards: Westmoreland (repl.), Keene (repl.) (Ches. Co.); Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) {2}, Crawfords (F), Fabyans, Fabyans (orig.){2} (Coos Co.); Littleton (2nd) (Graf. Co.); Goffe's Falls (repl.) (Hills. Co.); Concord (orig.) {2}, Concord (2nd), Concord (Union) {2} (Merr. Co.); Portsmouth, Seabrook, Hampstead {repl.} (Rock. Co.); Rochester, Farmingtonr (Straf. Co.)]; Further Reference Pages [added 12 title to NHArts. section (Byron {2}, Cowan {2}, Dufour, Kfoury, Nowell, Riedl {3}, Thompson {2}; added two titles to Depots Section (Ham, Glischinski)]; Links Page [added 1 link to NHRRsites (Granite State Scenic Railway)]; Verify Page [added query: Concord]; NH Railroad Maps Page [added one map: Railroad Lines in the White Mts.]; News, Events... page updated with additions and corrections; Field Operatives Page [Thanks to all the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [three stations newly pictured: by image: Concord (orig.), Concord (2nd), Crawfords (F) (orig.). Also upgraded 18 images, site-wide].
May 18 2022: Updated Belknap County [added postcard: Laconia]; Carroll County [added postcard: Bartlett (F)]; Cheshire County [added postcard: Troy]; Coos County [added photos: Crawfords (P) {2}; added postcards: Crawfords, Fabyans]; Grafton County [added postcard: Canaan (P)]; Hillsborough County [added postcard: Brookline]; Merrimack County [added postcard: Gerrish]; Rockingham County [added postcards: Newton Jct. {2}, Hampton, Fremont (F)]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: Laconia (Belk. Co.); West Rindge (orig.), Troy (Ches. Co.); Crawfords (Coos Co.); Newton Jct. (Rock. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added postcards: Alton Bay (orig.) (Belk. Co.); Mt. Willard House (Carr. Co.); West Rindge (orig.), Keene (repl.) (Ches. Co.); Mt. Washington Summit {2} (Coos Co.); Bristol (Graf. Co.); Antrim, Elmwood Jct., Manchester 2nd Union, Greenfield (P) (Hills. Co.); Concord Union, Hill (Merr. Co.); Atkinson (P), Atkinson (F) {2} (Rock. Co.); Farmington (P) (Straf. Co,)]; Arch McDonnell Gallery [added one print: Concord Union]; Further Reference Pages [added 2 titles to NHArts. section (Riedl, Richter); added 1 title to NHBks. section (Herbert & Povall)]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks again, Mark, several times! Thanks to all the usual suspects!]. Also upgraded 16 images, site-wide.
December 1, 2021: Updated Belknap County [added photos: Winnisquam{2}]; Carroll County [added postcards: Union (P & F), Silver Lake; removed images of Union (orig.) from their incorrect placement on the Carroll Co. page to the Other Stations (Gone) page]; Cheshire County [added photos: Chesham {3}, Troy (P; added postcard: Marlboro)]; Coos County [added photos: Fabyans {2}, Base Station, Crawfords (P) {2}, Crawfords (replica F)]; Grafton County [added postcard: Maplewood; added postcard: Enfield (P); added link: Maplewood]; Hillsborough County [added photos: West Deering {2}, Hancock, Hillsboro (F); added postcards: Brookline (2)]; Merrimack County [corrected/added photos: Henniker (Crescent St.) {2}; added postcard: Boscawen/Tilton]; Rockingham County [added postcard: Newton]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcard: Tilton (Belk. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [corrected Lakeport listings (Belk. Co.); added 3 images of Union (orig.) from their incorrect placement on the Carroll Co. page; added postcards: Wolfeboro Lake (repl.) (Carr. Co.), Mt. Washington Summit (Coos Co.); Grafton, Bristol (Graf. Co.); East Weare (Hills. Co.); Concord Union, Franklin Jct. (Merr. Co.); Epping (F), Newton (F) {3} (Rock. Co.)]; Further Reference Pages [added 2 titles to NHArts. section (Riedl, Thompson); added 2 titles to NHBks. section (Kfoury, Kyper)]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks again, Mark, several times! Thanks Bob! Thanks to all the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [one station newly pictured: by image: Newton (F). Also upgraded 7 images, site-wide.
April 26, 2021: Updated Carroll County added postcards: North Conway, Wolfeboro{3}]; Cheshire County [added photos: Chesham {4}, Troy (F) {2}]; Coos County [added photo: Groveton (detail), postcards: Twin Mt. (B&M), Columbia Bridge, Crawfords, Berlin (B&M)]; Grafton County [removed Plymouth (F) to "Gone" page, w/images; added photo: Ashland (detail); added postcards: Woodsville, Maplewood; added link: Maplewood]; Hillsborough County [added photos: Greenfield {4}, added postcard: Bennington]; Merrimack County [added photos: West Henniker, Warner, Potter Place (detail); added postcard: Epsom]; Rockingham County [added postcards: Exeter, Newton Jct.]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: North Conway (Carr. Co.); Mt. Washington Summit (Coos Co.); Woodsville (Graf. Co.); Nashua (Union) (Hills. Co.); Franklin Falls (Merr. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [deleted "woodsvilleorigbw2" from Grafton County page {it's Wells River, VT--sorry!}; added Plymouth (F) listing from Grafton County page, with images; added postcards: Alton Bay (orig.) (Belk. Co.); Wolfeboro Lake (repl.) (Carr. Co.), Mt. Washington Summit, Marshfield (3rd) (Coos Co.); Beebe River, Rumney, Wing Rd. (orig.) (Graf. Co.); Elmwood Jct. (site image), Sargeant, Everett, Grasmere, Nashua (Union) (Hills. Co.); Hooksett, Franklin Falls, Franklin Jct. (Merr. Co.); Westville (Rock. Co.); Dover (3rd) (Straf. Co.);]; Verify Page [added queries: Mt. Washington Summit, Gonic, South Bennington]; Further Reference Pages [added two titles to the Depots section (Ash, Trains); added 3 titles to the NH Bks. section (Enos, Jones, Zullig); added 2 titles to NHArts. section (Anderson, Thompson)]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks again, Mark, several times! Thanks to all the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [one station newly pictured: by image: Wing Rd. (orig.); one standing station moved to "Gone": Plymouth (F) Also upgraded 15 images, site-wide.
October 22, 2020: Updated Carroll County [moved Wolfeboro Lake Station and 10 images to "Gone" Page; added postcards: North Conway {2}, Conway (F), Glen-Jackson, West Ossipee (Mount Whittier), Bartlett (F), Intervale]; Cheshire County [added photos: Fitzwilliam {3}, Troy (P), Troy (F) {3}]; Coos County [added postcard: Groveton]; Grafton County [added photo: Ashland (detail); added postcards: Haverhill, North Haverhill (Blackmount), Wentworth; Hillsborough County [added photos: Hancock (interior) {3}, added postcard: West Deering]; Merrimack County [added postcards: Warner (P), Warner (F), Bradford {2}, Canterbury (repl.)]; Rockingham County [added photo: East Kingston; added postcards: Derry, Newton Jct.]; Strafford County [added postcard: Durham]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: Lakeport (Belk. Co.); Mt. Willard House, Wolfeboro Lake (repl.) {2}, North Conway {2}, West Ossipee (Carr. Co.); Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) (Coos Co.); Concord Union (Merr. Co.); Derry (Rock. Co.); Newport (Sull. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added Wolfeboro Lake Station listing from Carroll County page, with 10 images (Carr. Co.); added postcards: Lakeport (Belk. Co.); Mt. Willard House {2}, Bartlett (3rd), Wolfeboro Lake (repl.) {2}, Sanbornville {sketch} (Carr. Co.), Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) {2}, Coos Jct. (Coos Co.); Woodmere (Ches. Co.); Grafton Center (Cardigan) (Graf. Co.); Manchester (3rd/Union) {2}, Elmwood Jct., Massabesic (Hills. Co.); Hooksett, Pittsfield, Concord (Union) {2} (Merr. Co.); Russ Crossing, Newfields (repl.), Exeter (F), Londonderry (Rock. Co.); Dover (3rd), Dover (4th), Lee (P), Madbury (F) Straf. Co.); Claremont (Sull. Co.)]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks, Kevin! Thanks again, Mark, several times! Thanks again, Peter! Thanks to all the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [two stations newly pictured: by image: Exeter (F), Madbury (F). Also upgraded 25 images, site-wide.
July 23, 2020: Updated Carroll County [added photo: Fernald (phone box); added postcards: North Conway, Intervale, Union]; Coos County [added photo: Crawfords (window); added postcard: Berlin (GT)]; Grafton County [added postcards: Sugar Hill, Wentworth, Bethlehem, Littleton]; Hillsborough County [added postcard: New Boston]; Merrimack County [added postcards: Warner, Epsom (P), Short Falls]; Rockingham County [added photo: Exeter (phone box); added postcards: North Hampton, Derry, Sandown, Windham Jct (P & F)]; Strafford County [added postcard: Durham]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: North Conway, Mountainview (Carr. Co.); Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) (Coos Co.); Warner (Merr. Co.); East Kingston, Derry (Rock. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added postcards: Weirs {4th}, Meredith (P) (Belk. Co.); Bartlett (3rd), Conway (P), Mt. Willard House (Carr. Co.); Fabyans (orig.), Mt. Washington (orig.), (Coos Co.); Bethlehem Jct. (Graf. Co.); Manchester (3rd/Union) (Hills. Co.); West Concord, Concord (McG.), Mast Yard, Converse/South Danbury (Merr. Co.); Portsmouth (Conc. RR), Emery (Portsmouth), Portsmouth (3rd) (Rock. Co.)]; Further Reference Page [added 1 title to NHBks. section (Pitarys)]; Links Page [added 1 link to NHRRsites (White Mt. Hist.)]; Verify Page [added query: Lily Pond (Belk. Co.)]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks again, Pat!Thanks again, Peter! Thanks to all the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [one station newly pictured: by image: Emery/Portsmouth. Also upgraded 15 images, site-wide.
December 30, 2014: Updated Carroll County [added postcards: North Conway {2}]; Cheshire County [added postcard: Ashuelot]; Coos County [added postcard: Groveton]; Grafton County [added postcards: Warren, Bethlehem]; Hillsborough County [added postcard: Bennington]; Merrimack County [added postcards: Boscawen, Short Falls, Warner, Henniker {repl.}, Bradford]; Rockingham County [added postcard: Hampton]; Sullivan County [added postcards: Claremont Jct. {2}, Charlestown, Charlestown (F)]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: North Conway {2} (Carr. Co.); Marshfield (4th) {6} (Coos Co.); Warren (Graf. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added postcards: Alton Bay (orig.) (Belk. Co.); Wakefield (Carr. Co.); Marshfield (orig.) {2}, Marshfield (2nd) {5}, Marshfield (4th) {2}, Mt. Washington Summit (orig.) (Coos Co.); Rumney, Bethlehem Jct., Littleton {2nd), Profile House (Graf. Co.); Tyler {3}, Franklin (Merr. Co.)]; Arch McDonnell Gallery [added three prints: Bradford, Henniker, Short Falls]; Further Reference Page [added three titles to NHArts. sect.: Goodwin & Wilder, Nowell, Fisher, Marsh, Aiken, Anon.; added one title to NHBks. sect.: Anderson; added one title to the Depots sect.: Hodges]; Field Operatives List [Thanks, Steve Lux! Thanks again to the usual suspects!]
September 2, 2014: Updated Belknap County [added postcard: Glendale] Carroll County [added postcards: Glen-Jackson, North Conway {2}]; Cheshire County [added photos: Hinsdale {2}; added postcards: Winchester, Hinsdale {2}]; Grafton County [added photo: West Lebanon (F); added postcard: Woodsville]; Hillsborough County [added postcard: New Boston]; Merrimack County [added photos: Gerrish {5}; added postcards: Gerrish, Boscawen]; Rockingham County [added photos: Stratham {2}; added postcards: Stratham, Derry, Sandown]; Sullivan County [added postcard: Claremont Jct.(F)]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: North Conway {2} (Carr. Co.)]; Other Stations (Gone) Page [added postcards: Weirs (2nd), Weirs (3rd) (Belk. Co.); North Conway [MEC], Sawyers River, Wakefield {repl.} (Carr. Co.); Marshfield {orig.}, Lancaster [MEC] {3} (Coos Co.); Nashua Union, Grasmere Jct (F) (Hills. Co.); Concord Union, Pittsfield, Hooksett {2}, Pennacook (Merr. Co.); Claremont, Claremont Jct. (Sull. Co.)]; Other Stations (Check) Page [added postcard: Roby (Merr. Co.)]; Further Reference Page [added two titles to Depots sect.: Hayes {2}; added three titles to NHBks. sect.: Jones, Canfield, Holland; added three titles to NHArts. sect.: Smith, Thompson {2}]; Links Page [added one link to NHRR sites section: "List of NH RR Sites"]; Verify Page [added queries: "Mystery Station" in Cheshire Co; "Mystery Station #2]; Field Operatives List [Thanks again, Tom! Thanks again to the usual suspects!]; Index (Count) Page [two stations newly pictured: Claremont Jct. (F), Wakefield (repl.)