hagerty       ......Family

My Family hails from the United States and Canada, primarily Michigan and
Ontario, although I have recently discovered we have relatives in Quebec.
A long list of surnames including Bourbonnais, Curtin, Dillon, Gleason,
Hickey, Kent, O'Rourke.....are part of our heritage.

The Hagerty family are said to be of "Black Irish" ancestry. As children we were
told this meant we had ancestors who were survivors from the sinking of the Spanish Armada.
In Ireland, however, the term is unknown and is said to be mainly of American origin.
Though the great conflagration in the 1700's destroyed most of the written records in Ireland documenting family lineage, the name Hagerty or Haggerty, Hegarty, O'Hegarty, Higerty...can be traced back to the 12th century.

Having grown up in so many countries and cultures it seems only natural that we are spread out across the country, and that means we seldom have the opportunity to get together as a family
to visit and renew our bond. When we do get together, it is a special and rare event.
As the "unofficial" family photographer, I record our get-togethers and create a keepsake to remember the occasion.

Sometimes the sweet pleasure of seeing one another again has a somber origin. My nephew
Connor is blessed with 1 wonderful parent....and cursed with a particularly nasty type of cancer called "neuroblastoma". A few years ago we celebrated Thanksgiving together, the holiday, and my nephew's successful transit through yet another debilitating therapy. This is my record of that day.


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