Field Operatives
Updated: 1/8/25
The following people have contributed station data, photos, suggestions, comments, and other information, without which this web site would not exist. By including a list of their names on the web page, I wish to thank them publicly for their interest in my project and their generous assistance in its creation. Anyone who finds his/her name on the list but prefers not to be named, or anyone whose name belongs here but has inadvertantly been left out is asked to e-mail me. Any new contributors will also be listed here, with their permission.
I am especially grateful to the following operatives
(alphabetically):Nels Anderson |
Jay Ballad |
Dick Bochynski |
Matt Cosgro |
Scott Currier |
Steve Fisk |
Ken Fontaine | Art Hobart |
Linda Horan | Rich Horan | Robert Huberdeau | Phil Johnson |
George Kenson | Bob LaPointe | Kate LaPointe |
Patrick LaPointe |
Susan LaPointe | Tim LaPointe | Tom LaPointe | Alan LePain |
Chris Leupold | Mark Mervine | Joe Podles | Mike Redden |
Harvey Rosen | John Roy | Ronald Sewell | Ed Sweeney |
Charlie Vasiliades | Pete Whittenberger | Buddy Winiarz |
I am also much indebted to these people
Robert Adams |
Harry Aldrich |
Brad Alheim |
Gary Anderson |
Peter Andrews |
Bob Bailey |
Wes Baldwin |
Sam Bartlett |
Don Barnaby |
Margery Baston |
Leroy Beaujon |
Ernie Beland |
Brian Belanger |
Linda Bell |
Dan Bennett |
Bill Bennison |
Dana Bickett |
Walter Bird |
Rich Bowes |
Dave Cass |
Jim Collins |
Rick Conard |
Bob Damiano |
Ernie Darrow |
Bob Davis |
Jeff DeCaprio |
Jonelle DeFelice |
Derek Detjen |
Dave Dragan |
James Dufour |
Charlie Dunn |
Bob English |
Patrick Fahey |
Joe Farrell |
Bill Fessenden |
Edward Findlay |
Richard Fleischer |
Alex Formanek |
M. E. Fraser |
Dan Frederick |
Steve Giaradini |
John Gilbertson |
Chris Gray |
Bob Grindrod |
Ron Groves |
Wally Guertin |
Jim Haines |
Patrick Hamill |
Colin Harding |
Bob Hill |
Rich Hulme |
Jim Johnston |
Alana Joseph |
Bernard Kennedy |
Marty Kullen |
Steve LaBonte |
Joan Lally |
Felix Legere |
Don Light |
Tom Maciejewski |
John Mauro |
Tina Mazerall |
Lyle McBride |
Bob McCormick |
Ruth McNeaney |
Jon Melick |
Jim Metcalf |
Madelyn Mitton |
Steven Mitton |
Paul Moccia |
Michael Morin |
Chris O'Halloran |
Richard Ohlin |
Jim O'Neill |
Donn Fox Osier |
John Peltonen |
Art Peterson |
Ted Pietrasiak |
Jeff Plate |
Mark Rechter |
Scott Rosenbaum |
Mike Rossi |
Paul Roy |
Rick Savary |
Bill Schweikert |
"Conrail Fran" Seddon |
Ray Shoop |
Terry Silva |
Jimi Smith |
Keith Spofford |
Billy Stone |
Winston Stone |
Bob Timson |
Michael Tylick |
Michael Volk |
Scott Walters |
Judy Warner |
Paul Weaver |
Wes Whittier |
John Wilson |
Nick Witzell |
Susan Witzell |