Field Operatives

Updated: 1/8/25

 The following people have contributed station data, photos, suggestions, comments, and other information, without which this web site would not exist. By including a list of their names on the web page, I wish to thank them publicly for their interest in my project and their generous assistance in its creation. Anyone who finds his/her name on the list but prefers not to be named, or anyone whose name belongs here but has inadvertantly been left out is asked to e-mail me. Any new contributors will also be listed here, with their permission.

                                                                  I am especially grateful to the following operatives (alphabetically):

Nels Anderson

Jay Ballad

Dick Bochynski

Matt  Cosgro

Scott Currier

Steve Fisk

Ken Fontaine

Art Hobart

Linda Horan Rich Horan Robert Huberdeau

Phil Johnson

George Kenson Bob LaPointe

Kate LaPointe

Patrick LaPointe

Susan LaPointe Tim LaPointe Tom LaPointe

Alan LePain

Chris Leupold Mark Mervine Joe Podles Mike Redden
Harvey Rosen John Roy Ronald Sewell Ed Sweeney
Charlie Vasiliades Pete Whittenberger Buddy Winiarz  

                                                                   I am also much indebted to these people [alphabetically]

Robert Adams

Harry Aldrich

Brad Alheim

Gary Anderson

Peter Andrews

Bob Bailey

Wes Baldwin

Sam Bartlett

 Don Barnaby

Margery Baston

Leroy Beaujon

Ernie Beland

Brian Belanger

Linda Bell

Dan Bennett

Bill Bennison

Dana Bickett

Walter Bird

Rich Bowes

Dave Cass

Jim Collins

Rick Conard

Bob Damiano

Ernie Darrow

Bob Davis

Jeff DeCaprio

Jonelle DeFelice

Derek Detjen

Dave Dragan

James Dufour

Charlie Dunn

Bob English

Patrick Fahey

Joe Farrell

Bill Fessenden

Edward Findlay

Richard Fleischer

Alex Formanek

M. E. Fraser

Dan Frederick

Steve Giaradini

John Gilbertson

Chris Gray

Bob Grindrod

Ron Groves

Wally Guertin

Jim Haines

Patrick Hamill

Colin Harding

Bob Hill

Rich Hulme

Jim Johnston

Alana Joseph

Bernard Kennedy

Marty Kullen

Steve LaBonte

Joan Lally

Felix Legere

Don Light

Tom Maciejewski

John Mauro

Tina Mazerall

Lyle McBride

Bob McCormick

Ruth McNeaney

Jon Melick

Jim Metcalf

Madelyn Mitton

Steven Mitton

Paul Moccia

Michael Morin

Chris O'Halloran

Richard Ohlin

Jim O'Neill

Donn Fox Osier

John Peltonen

Art Peterson

Ted Pietrasiak

Jeff Plate

Mark Rechter

Scott Rosenbaum

Mike Rossi

Paul Roy

Rick Savary

Bill Schweikert

"Conrail Fran" Seddon

Ray Shoop

Terry Silva

Jimi Smith

Keith Spofford

Billy Stone

Winston Stone

Bob Timson

Michael Tylick

Michael Volk

Scott Walters

Judy Warner

Paul Weaver

Wes Whittier

John Wilson

Nick Witzell

Susan Witzell