Color Postcard Archive: Hampden County

Updated: 1/8/25

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northwilbrahamcolpostRB.jpg (34821 bytes) westfieldpost.jpg (27421 bytes) southwickcolpost'12.JPG (32783 bytes) springfieldcolpost'10.jpg (37618 bytes) springf1RB.jpg (44125 bytes)

North Wilbraham (B&A) [1912]

Westfield   (B&A)

Southwick (NH) [1912]

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)  [1910]

Springfield Union Station (4th station)


holyokecolpost1a.jpg (31921 bytes) westfieldcolpost.jpg (23937 bytes) mittineaguecolpost.jpg (35394 bytes)

Russell (B&A)

Westfield   (B&A)

Holyoke (B&M) [1915]

Westfield   (B&A)

Mittineague  (B&A)


palmercolpost5.jpg (28553 bytes) chicopeecolpost10.jpg (28588 bytes) chestercolpost.jpg (36160 bytes) palmercolpost2.jpg (17168 bytes) russellcolpost'12.jpg (20448 bytes)

Palmer (B&A)

Chicopee (B&M) [1910]

Chester (B&A)

Palmer (B&A)

Russell (B&A) [1912


springfRB2.jpg (22132 bytes) holyokecolpost2.jpg (35070 bytes) palmercolpost4.jpg (24261 bytes) mttomlowerstatcolpost'07.jpg (26837 bytes) threeriverscolpost'11.jpg (28808 bytes)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Holyoke (B&M)  [1910]

Palmer (B&A)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Lower Station) [1907]

Three Rivers (B&A/CV) [1911]


mttomlowerstatcolpost2.jpg (27968 bytes) southwickcongacolpost2.jpg (34938 bytes) indianorchardcolpost.jpg (25558 bytes) eastlongmeadowcolpost.jpg (34810 bytes) holyokecolpost4.jpg (30691 bytes)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Lower Station)

Congamond (NH)

Indian Orchard (B&A)

Eastlongmeadow (NH)

Holyoke (B&M)


russellcolpost2.jpg (33772 bytes) springfieldreplcolpost.jpg (36942 bytes) monsoncolpost.JPG (39795 bytes) springfieldcolpost7.jpg (24320 bytes) springfieldcolpost4.jpg (28871 bytes)

Russell (B&A)

Springfield Union Station (4th station)

Monson   CV)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)


forestlaketrollpalmercolpost.JPG (44154 bytes) westfieldRB1.jpg (22689 bytes) westfieldRB4.jpg (36580 bytes) mittineaguecolpost10.jpg (21365 bytes) mittineaguecolpost2.jpg (36307 bytes)

Forest Lake [trolley]

Westfield   (B&A)

Westfield   (B&A)

Mittineague  (B&A)   [1910]

Mittineague  (B&A)


palmercolpost.jpg (27427 bytes) ludlowtrolleycolpost2.jpg (35691 bytes) springfieldcolpost9.jpg (26627 bytes) westfieldpost'09.jpg (24554 bytes) springfieldreplcolpost2.jpg (28643 bytes)

Palmer (B&A)

Ludlow [trolley]

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Westfield   (B&A)         [1910]    

Springfield Union Station (4th station)


palmercolpost3.jpg (38928 bytes) mttomtrollstatcolpost.jpg (27279 bytes) springfieldcolpost5a.jpg (42475 bytes) springfieldcolpost3.JPG (32520 bytes) springfieldcolpost8.jpg (38118 bytes)

Palmer (B&A)

Mt. Tom

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)


springf3RB.jpg (29179 bytes) threeriverscolpost2.jpg (41687 bytes) palmercolpost7.jpg (42085 bytes) mttomlowerstatcolpost.jpg (27094 bytes) mttomlowerstatcolpost3.jpg (24104 bytes)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Three Rivers (B&A/CV)

Palmer (B&A)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Lower Station)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Lower Station)


mttomlowerstatcolpost4.jpg (35295 bytes) mttomupperstatcolpost.JPG (40277 bytes) mttomupperstatcolpost2.jpg (31153 bytes) mttomupperstatcolpost3.jpg (37697 bytes)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Lower Station)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Upper Station)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Upper Station)

Mt. Tom Incline RR (Upper Station)

Feeding Hills (NH)


Springfield Union Station (4th station)

Springfield Union Station (4th station) 

Springfield Union Station (4th station)

Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Willimansett (B&M)   [1911]



Springfield Union Station (3rd station)

Palmer (B&A)

Russell (B&A)

Springfield Union Station (4th station)