MASSACHUSETTSRailroad Stations in Massachusetts
, now in its twenty-seventh year, is a site devoted to the history, location, and uses of railroad depots, whether still standing or long gone, throughout the thirteen counties of Massachusetts. Readers are invited to consult the tables and links below and submit additions, corrections, photos, and comments to make this a more detailed, more precise, and more complete site. Over 1300 different stations are now pictured!Word reaches us via the Lawrence (MA) Eagle Tribune (11/28/23) the MassBay Callboy (January 2024), and the Bulletin of Railway Station Historical Society 57, No. 2 (2024) of the impending demolition of the 1931 Railroad Station in Lawrence, MA. Any additional information on this would be appreciated.
Anyone interested in seeking out the stations listed on this website or the locations where former stations once stood is strongly urged to consult Matt Cosgro's excellent website Nashua City Station for clear maps of every station site in the state of Massachusetts (and throughout New England).
A rare but necessary commercial advertisement on this site: John H. Roy Jr.'s comprehensive and painstakingly researched book A Field Guide to Southern New England Railroad Depots and Freight Houses has been published by Branch Line Press of Pepperell MA. Click here for more information and to order a copy. This book joins Karr's and Lindsell's books as indispensible works on rail lines in southern and northern New England.
Can You Help? Can you help to resolve any of the various depot mysteries on the site's Verify Page?
{As of March 17, 2025, the Other Stations (Gone) Page has been split in two, one covering Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Dukes, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Middlesex Counties; the other covering Nantucket, Norfolk, Plymouth, Suffolk, and Worcester Counties}
Recent Updates:
March 17, 2025: Updated Barnstable County [added postcards: Hyannis/Yarmouth, Monument Beach]; Berkshire County [added postcards: Williamstown (P) {2}, interior plans {2}]; Essex County [adjusted Danvers listings; added update: Danvers; added postcards: Danvers, Bradford]; Middlesex County [added postcards: Weston, Woodland]; Plymouth County [added postcards: Wareham (shelter) {2}]; Worcester County [added postcard: Athol]; Color Postcard Archive [added postcards: Haverhill (Ess. Co.); Mt. Tom (lower) (Hampd. Co.); Burrage, Kenberma (Ply. Co.); Dudley St., Jamaica Plain {2}, Forest Hills (Suff. Co.); Athol (Worc.)]; Other Stations Page (Check) [corrected Riverside (Mid. Co.) listing; added link: Forest Hills (elev.) (Suff. Co.); added postcards: Beach Bluff (orig.) (Ess. Co.), Kenberma (Ply. Co.)]; Other Stations Page (Gone) [added Whittenton Jct. (w/image) (Bris. Co.); added Danvers Jct. (P) to Gone list; added link: Ipswich (Ess. Co.); added postcards: Sagamore (orig.), Woods Hole , Woods Hole (F) (2nd), Woods Hole (P) (orig.), Monument Beach (2nd), Sandwich, Cataumet (orig.) (Barns. Co.); Ipswich, Haverhill, Rockport, South Lawrence, North Lawrence (Essex St.) (Ess. Co.); Greenfield (Frank. Co.); Greenwich Village (Hamps. Co.); Springfield (3rd) {3}, Mt. Tom (Lower) (Hampd. Co.); Lowell (Merrimack St.) (orig. & repl.), Lowell (3rd) (Mid. Co.); Dedham (orig.)Wellesley {2} (Norf. Co.); South Middleboro (Ply. Co.); Forest Hills (orig.), Forest Hills (elev.) {4}, Huntington Ave., Jamaica Plain (Bartletts) (orig.), Jamaica Plain (2nd) {3}, Brighton (orig.), Winthrop Centre (Suff. Co.); Winchendon (B&M) (repl.)Sterling {2} (Worc. Co.)]; Verify Page [resolved two queries: former Mystery Station #10, former "Lynn-where?" listing; added new query: Danvers/Danvers Jct.]; Further Reference Page [added 2 titles to Depots sect.: Stilgoe, Robinson]; Field Operatives Page [Thanks again, Richard, very much!]; Index (Count) Page [7 stations newly listed and/or pictured: Lowell/Merrimack St. (orig.), Jamaica Plain (Bartlets) (orig.), Woods Hole (orig.), Woods Hole (F) (orig.), Woods Hole (F) (2nd), Winchendon (B&M) (repl.), Whittenton Jct. Also, upgraded 40 different images, site-wide.
Previous Updates: 1/8/25 3/2/23 10/6/22 1/30/22 11/18/20 8/26/20 7/2/20 4/16/20 3/10/20 2/5/20 12/6/19 6/13/19 3/11/19 12/22/18 8/1/18 7/15/18 7/15/18 8/1/18 3/19/19 2/22/18 11/12/18 5/4/17 1/23/17 10/22/16 11/17/16 9/20/16 8/15/16 6/20/16 1/10/16 6/24/15 1/9/15 10/4/14 4/19/14 6/9/14 5/26/13 5/4/13 1/8/12 10/8/11 6/7/11 12/30/10 9/23/10 9/12/10 6/10/10 12/29/09 10/3/09 6/25/09 5/10/09 1/2/09 10/5/08 6/30.08 5/10/08 2/6/08 11/18/07 6/27/07 2/12/07 2/10/07 9/17/06 6/10/06 5/30/06 2/17/06 12/4/05 (see update archive)
Current Total: 307 standing stations listed /
1325 different stations pictured Other Station Lists, Photos, and Information: Click on ANY additional link
you would like to see (some links not yet created; please check back):
the Stations:
A few notes if you're planning on visiting these stations:
If I don't have a piece of information, such as a built date or street, you'll see a ???. Please e-mail me a message if you are able to contribute information to this page. Be sure to include what station you are referring to (railroad and city).
Photos: A camera
next to a town or city name indicates an image of that station located in the
archive; a red camera
indicates an
historical map image of the station. Click on either camera to see the
image. As I often receive duplicate photos or different views of the
same station, I will occasionally rotate different people's photos on the
county pages. If you send me a photo scan, I will inscribe an attribution to
you; if you prefer to do it yourself, please inscribe in small letters at
top or bottom the year of the photo, and your full name. I typically will
list multiple camera symbols; on the Counties pages, this usually signifies current
photos plus black-and-white images from days gone by (for purposes of comparison), while
on the Other Stations Page, these usually signify multiple "historical" black-and-white
images. I believe that all photos and other images included at this site that are not attributed to the
individuals who submitted them are in the public domain and that their use does not
violate any copyright laws; please write to me if you know this not to be the case for any
image here. For the record, I allow no advertising and make no money from
the site; in fact, it costs me money to maintain it.
Page designed by Gary LaPointe (and Michael Sellers)
Charles WooleverTable format and "Navigating the Stations" text designed by
©1998 Gary LaPointe
This site uses GIF images from
Ken Houghton's RailImages